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Calling all Sponsors and Exhibitors!

The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR) is delighted to invite you to participate in our 27th Annual Conference, at the Marriott Denver Tech Center, September 19-22, 2019 (Pre-conference workshops — September 16-18, 2019). 


For years, ISNR has attracted the top professionals in the field, and this year will be no exception. We are expecting a strong turnout for our 27th year —more than 500 attendees! 


We are pleased to provide many sponsorship, exhibitor, advertising and promotional opportunities designed to increase brand awareness and recognition across our global audience of leaders and decision makers in the field. Our goal is to help you maximize your marketing budget and return on investment. 


Exhibit booth space and sponsorships will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis— first to 2018 exhibitors and sponsors, then to new exhibitors and sponsors.


More information about exhibiting at our conference or becoming a sponsor can be found below or in the Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors document.


Please note that registration is all online this year. Sponsors and exhibitors will use the same registration link.



All sponsor packages receive: 

  • One exhibitor ID sign 

  • 8' pipe/drape along the back and 3' pipe/drape along the sides of your booth 

  • Basic electrical service in booth

  • Your company name and website link on the ISNR conference web page 

  • Recognition in ISNR conference promotional newsletter and conference program

  • 5% Discount on all Sponsorship Opportunities (listed below)

  • Recognition in the conference digital presentation 

  • One company literature piece or giveaway item stuffed in conference bag 

  • Lead a one-hour informal Small Group Discussion focused on your products or services (Optional)

    • You must RSVP no later than July 1, 2019 and provide your Small Group Discussion title to participate.​


Level Sponsorships have additional benefits!


Platinum Sponsorship (SOLD)

$11,000 USD

As the Platinum Sponsor you will maximize exclusive brand awareness and promotion related to all conference-marketing activities as well as during the conference. This package includes exclusive representation as the main conference sponsor on all conference marketing efforts and media, as well as:


  • One 8' x 30' booth — the most prominent location in the Exhibit Hall

  • Three 6' L x 30" H skirted tables, six chairs and three wastebaskets

  • Six complimentary general conference attendee registrations

  • Logo Prominent through conference space

  • Ability to host a reception onsite at the conference hotel on Friday evening (September 20) for all attendees. Reception will be listed as an official conference event on the agenda. Conference will pay the room rental fee for reception space. Sponsor will be responsible for the cost of food, beverage, and any decor for the reception. 

  • 1 Social media post of your choice prior to the conference

  • Featured in ISNR Newsletter leading up to the conference

  • Full-page ad in conference program

  • 1 Ad in one of the monthly conference newsletters

  • 1 Ad in the post-conference newsletter

  • Your company logo presented with the ISNR logo on the conference program cover

  • Podium for 5-7 minutes during banquet

Full and final payment due June 1, 2019
Booth preference given to sponsors that are paid in full on first-come, first-served basis



Gold Sponsorship (3 available)

$8,000 USD

The Gold Sponsorship program offers you a great price-to-value relationship and includes a high level of brand awareness through pre- and post-conference marketing as well as prominent sponsorship awareness on site. This package includes: 


  • One 8' x 30' booth—premium location in Exhibit Hall

  • Three 6' L x 30" H skirted tables, six chairs and three wastebaskets

  • Five complimentary general conference attendee registrations

  • Green room access for your five registrants throughout the conference

  • Half-page full color ad in the conference program

  • One Ad in one of the monthly conference newsletters leading up to the conference

  • One Ad in the post-conference newsletter

  • Featured in ISNR Newsletter leading up to the conference

  • 3-5 minute introduction of a invited/keynote speaker of choice


Silver Sponsorship  (2 available)

$6,000 USD

As a Silver Sponsor you will receive the return on your marketing budget through several communication touch points with your target audience and prime booth location. This package includes:


  • One 8' x 20' booth—premium location in Exhibit Hall

  • Two 6' L x 30" H skirted tables, four chairs and two wastebaskets

  • Four complimentary general conference attendee registrations

  • Green room access for your four registrants throughout the conference

  • Quarter-page full color ad in the conference program

  • One Ad in one of the monthly conference newsletters leading up to the conference

  • Featured in ISNR Newsletter leading up to the conference

Sponsorship Opportunities


Sunday Breakfast $4,500 (Exclusive)

Sunday, September 22, there will be a Brunch, where the sponsor of this event will get up to 20 minutes to present to the attendees about your personal experience in the field.


Wireless Internet for Attendees $3,500 (Exclusive)

Receive sponsorship recognition for providing speakers and attendees with wireless internet access in the main general session room (Thursday-Sunday).



Poster Session and Reception $3,000 (Exclusive)

Sponsor the Poster Session and Reception on Thursday, September 19 to help promote an engaging atmosphere for poster presenters to talk with attendees about their research. Your logo will be on signage throughout the reception space and you’ll help provide refreshments and appetizers to attendees of the reception.


Mobile Device Charging and Advertisement Wall $1,500 (Exclusive)

Attendees will appreciate your ad as they recharge their mobile devices at a self-service station located in a high-traffic area.


Break/Coffee Sponsor $1,500 (3 Available)

Your logo could be next to the much sought-after coffee and break refreshments at the conference! Sponsor the coffee and break snacks for all attendees during morning break on one of the conference days.



Marketing Opportunities


eNewsletter Ad

- $600 USD

Advertise Advertise your company in the ISNR Conference monthly newsletter. Your ad will appear in (1) newsletter leading up to the conference, or (1) post conference newsletter.

Advertising in Conference Program (EXPIRES AUGUST 19TH)

Quarter-Page Ad Color - $300 USD

Half-Page Ad Color - $550 USD

Full-Page Ad Color - $900 USD

Advertising Inserts for Attendee Conference Bags

Single-Page Flyer (8.5” x 11” maximum)- $350 USD

Multiple stapled pages or brochure handout- $500 USD

Multiple-item packet, flyer and/or giveaway item (9” x 12” maximum size) $650 USD

Social Media Posts, Pre-Conference

Purchase social media posts to be made on your company’s behalf before the conference date. Posts can be made on the following platforms and will contain an image and a short message. Once purchased, we will follow-up with you to get more information for the selected social media post. Posts will be made approximately 2 weeks after purchase. Pricing listed is per post.

• Linked-In - $99 USD

• Twitter - $99 USD

• Facebook - $150 USD




Benefits of Exhibiting:

  • Highlight your services to more than 500 leaders and decision makers in the field

  • Generate new business with a global profession at your fingertips

  • Nurture current partnerships and build new ones

  • Showcase your latest innovations and products

  • Seven out of ten attendees plan to buy one or more products*

  • 72% of show visitors say the show influenced their buying decision

  • It costs 22% less to contact a potential buyer at a show than it does through traditional field sales calls*

*Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR)


Exhibitor Info

As an Exhibitor, you are able to highlight your services, and showcase your latest innovations and products, to more than 500 leaders and decision makers in the field. Exhibiting provides the opportunity to nurture current partnerships, and build new ones. â€‹â€‹

  • Premium Exhibit Booth: $2,200

  • Second Booth: $1,800​

  • Third Booth: $1,600

*Exhibitor registrations made after August 1 will incur a $500 late fee.


Included with Your Booth Purchase:

  • 8’x8’ Footprint

  • One (1) exhibitor ID sign

  • 8’ pipe/drape along the back and 3’ pipe/drape along the sides of your booth 

  • One 6' draped table, two chairs and one wastebasket (per booth)

  • Basic electrical service

  • Two (2) complimentary general conference registrations for a single booth, four (4) registrations for a double booth, and five (5) registrations for a triple booth

    • Note: Conference registrations are for exhibitors' full-time employees and are non-transferable.

  • Complimentary listing on ISNR website with a link to your company’s home page

  • Complimentary wireless internet access in the booth for exhibit staff members’ use

  • Exhibitor Service Kit


All booth spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.


Exhibitor Referral Program:

Refer an exhibitor and receive some perks!  If you refer a new confirmed exhibitor for the 27th ISNR Annual Conference, you will receive one (1) complimentary eBlast, and one (1) complimentary social media post of your choosing ( a $750 USD value!). A new exhibitor is defined as a company who has not exhibited at this conference in the past 2 years.  In order to receive your referral perks, your referred exhibitor will need to provide your information (first and last name, and company) during their registration.  Once your referred exhibitor is confirmed you will receive a follow-up e-mail from the conference planner with details on how to redeem your referral perks.


The Fine Print

Cancellation Policy:

  • All booth cancellations must be requested in writing.

  • Cancellations received between 5/1/19 and 8/1/19 will receive a 50% refund.

  • Cancellations received after 8/2/19 will not receive a refund; the full cost of the booth will be retained.


Exhibitors agree to abide by the Exhibitor/Sponsor Terms and Conditions. 


ISNR highly discourages Exhibitors from holding competing workshops for profit that are scheduled to directly overlap with ISNR’s pre-conference workshop and annual conference dates of September 16-22, 2019. If an Exhibitor is interested in hosting a workshop during the pre-conference dates, we encourage them to submit for an ISNR pre-conference workshop. If an Exhibitor is interested in holding a product oriented workshop, please consider the Exhibitor Educational Workshop opportunity on Sunday for a discounted fee. Alternatively, if an Exhibitor is committed to holding a product oriented workshop during the pre-conference dates, ISNR will host up to three (1 per day) workshops that are commercial in nature. ISNR will advertise, host, and register participants for these workshops for 15% of the net profit.


If it is determined that an Exhibitor conducted a competing workshop that directly overlaps with ISNR’s pre-conference workshop and/or annual conference dates, then the Exhibitor may not be considered for an exhibit booth the following year, and they will not be considered for workshop presentations, academic or commercial in nature, for the subsequent annual conference.

©2019 by International Society for Neurofeedback and Research.

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