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Pre-Conference and Conference Workshop Submissions

ISNR invites you to submit a pre-conference or conference workshop proposal that describes innovations in neurofeedback and biofeedback. Workshops provide a forum for intense discussions of emerging topics, an opportunity for professional development in a new area or advanced training in concept and application of neurofeedback.



Full day workshops (8.0 hrs.) will be offered during the pre-conference dates September 19-21, 2016 and half day workshops (3.00 hrs.) will be scheduled during the afternoons of the primary conference scheduled September 22-24, 2016 from 3:15-6:30 pm.

Note: Workshop schedule is subject to change.

Workshop Honoraria Policy:

Workshop presenters will receive honoraria that equal 50% of the workshop net profit. After the conference, ISNR will calculate workshop revenue minus expenses (meeting room rental, audiovisual equipment rental and setup, food and beverage and any other miscellaneous fees) to determine the workshop net profit, which equals the total workshop presenter honoraria to be equally divided between presenters.

Accepted Workshop presenters will need to submit a W-9 or W-8BEN (foreign presenters) to Tina Watkins – no later than 6/15/16.

Before you begin your Online Abstract Submission, we recommend that you create and save your abstract submission in a word document and simply copy and paste the information into the online submission form.

Step 1: Workshop Abstract Online submissions must include:

  • Workshop title

  • Contact information for each Author (Name, Degree, Address, Cell Phone, Email Address)

  • A one-paragraph biographical sketch for each co-author/speaker, describing relevant qualifications

  • A 300-500 word abstract articulating the scope and topics covered by the workshop

  • References

  • Level of Workshop: Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced

  • A 50-100 word summary and justification for the workshop, including anticipated benefits to the ISNR Annual Conference attendees.

  • Proposed format and agenda

  • Continuing Education Accreditation Requirements:

  • Learning Objectives

  • Provide a minimum of FOUR measurable learning objectives for the workshop that completes this sentence: Based on the content of this presentation, the participant will be able to…

  • Outline

  • List general topics (at least one per hour) you plan to discuss during your workshop (like a brief agenda) indicating the approximate amount of time

IMPORTANT-- EACH ABSTRACT AUTHOR MUST INDIVIDUALLY Complete Step 2 below in order for the Abstract to be considered by the Review Committee.

Step 2

  • Go to the AMEDCO Disclosure Website- Click HERE

  • Complete the Commercial/Financial Disclosure Questionnaire

  • Upload your short CV (Curriculum Vitae)

NOTE: Before you begin this Step, please have your CV file (preferably as word document or PDF files) readily available. You must upload your CV at the end of the Disclosure Questionnaire process. You will not be able to log back in to upload your CV at a later time.


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*ISNR has made no investigation as to the registration, certification, and/or approval by the FDA or other regulatory agencies of equipment sold at the conference sponsored by ISNR. ISNR makes no representations or warranties regarding the equipment sold by exhibitors at the Conference. ISNR has no responsibility to pay any damages resulting from the purchase of equipment at the Conference. All recourse for damages is from the seller of the equipment and not ISNR.

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