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Introducing a new Educational Track- ISNR Foundations

Dear Colleague:

The 24th Annual ISNR Conference in Orlando, Florida is rapidly approaching and we would like to announce the premiere of ISNR Foundations. I am excited about this new track in the conference program for 2016. In summary, ISNR Foundations is for newbies, students, novices or any practitioner who may need or desire basic level presentations and workshops to sharpen their knowledge and/or skills.

The ISNR Foundations track will be two full days of programs, focusing on clinical basics. Please come and join us at the conference - those of you who are new to the field and those of you who would like to fill in any "gaps" in your learning curves will discover content that is interesting and useful. We are working to increase attendance and membership by offering this new track with the goal that it will attract some of the people in the field who may not feel ready to attend the entire conference for one reason or another.

The ISNR Foundations track will be held on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 for Pre-Conference workshops and Thursday, September 22, 2016 for oral presentations, small group discussions and Conference workshops. We invite you to come and listen as Michael and Lynda Thompson share how they work with ADD in their clinic. Also listen to Leslie Sherlin discuss Optimal Performance, Joel Lubar speak about LORETA in a way we all can understand, Glenn Weiner and Mike Cohen introduce the basics of Neurofeedback and QEEG, and ISNR’s incoming President, Joy Lunt, provide information on how to get started with your own Neurofeedback practice.

ISNR is very interested in meeting the needs of all of our members, so we have listened to your feedback and are launching this new track as part of our conference this year. ISNR Foundations does not, however, take the place of other conference programming; I assure you there will be plenty of content for attendees of all levels of expertise to choose from.

Please join us at this year’s conference and receive the benefits from being around and interacting with other people who think in terms of "brains." The energy and enthusiasm that is generated at the ISNR Conference each year are guaranteed to send you home with renewed excitement, new ideas and new friends!

ISNR-Foundations Schedule

Wednesday 9/21/2016:

*Pre-Conference Workshops:

-Lynda Thompson PhD and Michael Thompson MD - Introduction to the Practice of Neurofeedback Assessment leads to Appropriate Intervention Beginner Level

-Glenn Weiner PhD and Mike Cohen BS, Neurotechnology Specialist - Neurofeedback and QEEG Basics

Thursday 9/22/2016:

*Oral Presentations:

-60 minute oral presentation: Lynda Thompson PhD and Michael Thompson MD - Be CALM & Pay ATTENTION! An overview of assessment findings and intervention strategies for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

-60 minute oral presentation: Joel Lubar PhD - Getting to Know LORETA: Evaluating and training surface and internal brain structures

-30 minute oral presentation: Leslie Sherlin PhD - NFB for Optimal Performance and Sport

*Small Group Discussions:

-Mike Cohen BS - Discussion on the various types of equipment available for NFB

-Joy Lunt RN - Getting started: paperwork, forms, tracking progress, protocol selection, etc.

*Afternoon Workshops:

-Lynda Thompson PhD and Michael Thompson MD - PAY ATTENTION! How accurate assessment leads to effective intervention for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

-Joel Lubar PhD - Introduction to LORETA analysis and neurofeedback

-Leslie Sherlin PhD - Introduction to QEEG concepts and applications

See you ALL in Orlando!

Warm regards,

Dan Williams

ISNR Conference Chair

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*ISNR has made no investigation as to the registration, certification, and/or approval by the FDA or other regulatory agencies of equipment sold at the conference sponsored by ISNR. ISNR makes no representations or warranties regarding the equipment sold by exhibitors at the Conference. ISNR has no responsibility to pay any damages resulting from the purchase of equipment at the Conference. All recourse for damages is from the seller of the equipment and not ISNR.

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