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October 12-14, 2015: Preconference Workshops

October 15-18, 2015: Conference

ISNR invites you

ISNR invites you

to join your colleagues

to join your colleagues

in Denver, Colorado

in Denver, Colorado

for the 23rd Annual Conference

for the 23rd Annual Conference

We'll be there.

We'll be there.

Will YOU?

Will YOU?

Register now for the 23rd Annual Conference of the ISNR!


Keynote Speakers
Invited Speakers

Lance Iunker

Sam Blakeslee

Marco Congedo

Bessel van der Kolk

Dirk de Ritter

Mark Gordon

Sayyed Mohsen Fatimi


Below are just some of the awesome events we have planned!  See the full schedule for more details.

ISNR Golf Tournament

Opening Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall

Banquet Dinner, Awards Ceremony and CASINO NIGHT!

President's Party

BrainMaster Reception

Poster Session and Reception

Closing Breakfast and Prize Winner Announcements

Invited Speakers

A Conversation with Bessel van der Kolk, MD

8 Hour Pre-Conference Workshops

Exhibitor Educational Workshops

BCIA Certification Exam

QEEG Didactic Board Certification Exam

Members Meeting

Invited Panel: New and Innovative Approaches to Neurofeedback 

Presidential Address

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