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2015 Call For Participation


Submission topics, important dates, guidelines and instructions for how to prepare and submit your abstract online for a full-day pre-conference workshop, half-day conference workshop, 30 or 60 minute standing oral presentation, and/or poster presentation are provided here.

Student Submissions

The Conference Committee is pleased to request abstracts for research presentations by undergraduate and graduate students. This project can be a dissertation or thesis project and must consist of original work completed by an undergraduate or graduate student.Important note: Your supervisor must send in a letter via email to stating that they have supervised and reviewed your work on this submission.


ISNR’s Student Advocacy Committee (SACom) has developed and the ISNR Board has approved enhanced student awards to recognize student excellence in academic and research work. These awards are designed to promote student involvement in the field of neurofeedback by supporting student travel to the ISNR annual meeting. This conference is a venue for students to present their work in an open and supportive atmosphere. The organization encourages all students at both graduate and undergraduate levels to apply for awards to these grants.

ISNR Policy Regarding Student Affiliate Membership:

Who is considered a student?


Definition: A student shall be defined as any individual who is enrolled in a post-secondary institution and/or program accredited by accrediting agencies or state approved agencies recognized by U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation with full time status. Accreditation and student status must be documented by the institution's registrar or bursar's office and the student's advisor. Acceptable communications of these documents include postal mail, email attachment, or fax to the ISNR administrative office. Student status is not discriminatory towards race, ethnicity, gender, course of study, academic institution, professional affiliations, employment, or financial status.


  • Students must provide a letter from a university that indicates enrollment in a full-time degree program.

  • Student IDs will not be accepted as proof of full-time student status.

  • Once a student has acquired his/her Master's or doctoral degree, they no longer qualify for a student membership but rather a transitional Post Doc/Intern membership for one year.

  • Continuing education coursework along with part-time student status do not qualify for an ISNR student affiliate membership.

  • Part-time undergraduate and/or graduate student with a medical disability that are unable to take a full course load, will be granted ISNR student affiliate membership. In this case a letter or email from the school's Office of Disability Services can validate the student's status [students that fall into this category include military veterans as well as students with a 504 plan].


Become an ISNR Student Affiliate Member!


Benefits: Student status will provide the following opportunities:

  •  Significant discount on membership dues.

  •  Significant discount on conference registration.

  •  Significant discount on workshop or other ISNR sponsored training at the annual conference.

  •  Preferential selection for volunteer opportunities provided by ISNR.

  •  Invitation to all student events held during the annual conference.

  •  Eligibility to submit for any announced student restricted awards.

  •  Eligibility to be enrolled and participate on the ISNR Student Affiliate's Google Group and Facebook Page.

  • Access to the ISNR Journal, NeuroRegulation and ISNR Newsletter, NeuroConnections.

Student Awards:

  • ISNR Student Advocacy Award:(up to 5 winners per year)
    • The ISNR Student Advocacy Award consists of a $200 travel grant to help cover costs of attending the annual conference. This prize has the goal of increasing student interest and knowledge in the field of neurofeedback. The award is for students in any field that may contribute to the application or general knowledge of neurofeedback.

    • Who is eligible?

      • Individuals who are currently enrolled as full time students (as defined by the ISNR student policies above)—both graduate and undergraduate, international and domestic—may apply. 

      • Maintaining a current ISNR student affiliate membership is not required to submit an essay or to attend the annual conference at the student registration rate. 

      • Attendance at the ISNR annual conference however, is required in order to receive the award.

      • Volunteering for a minimum of 4 hours is required at the annual conference. Discretion and time of the volunteer coordinator is required.

    • How to apply?

    • The topic of the essay is:

      • "How might applied theories and methods in neurofeedback influence your research or career goals, and how might participation in the INSR help you to achieve these goals?" 

    • Whether you are experienced in applied methodologies or not, we encourage you to explore in this essay how applied methods and your participation in ISNR could inspire (or has already inspired or transformed) your research or career as a clinician or scientist. All materials must be received on or before the end of call for papers. Once received, applications will be checked for completeness and organized by the Student Committee Awards Officer. The winner(s) will be announced in a timely manner.



  • The ISNR Travel Award (up to 4 awardees per year)
    • This Fund supports a travel grant of $300 for up to 4 students offset the costs to attend the annual conference of the Society plus 6 hours of credit to attend 2015 ISNRU Annual Conference workshops and/or ISNRU Webinars. The ISNR Travel award works to increase student membership in the ISNR as well as to encourage and facilitate student participation in the annual conference.

    • The award will be given to the accepted paper or poster which reports on application outcome data, or the case series data, or the time-series evaluation of the impact of introducing a new application to a practice, or any other data which may be relevant to neurofeedback practice and research.

    • All presenters must complete all information as outlined in the online submission process.

    • ISNR will not accept proposals for student presentations that have been presented in the previous year during the conference. All submissions will be peer-reviewed blindly by the Conference Committee for scientific integrity, originality, importance, and usefulness for conference attendees. Some presentation submissions may be judged to be more appropriate as posters.Who is eligible? Individuals who are currently enrolled as full time students (as defined by the ISNR student policies)—both graduate and undergraduate, international and domestic—may apply.

    • Maintaining a current ISNR student affiliate membership is not required to submit a paper or poster or to attend the annual conference at the student registration rate.

    • The manuscript should report on research that in large measure has not been previously published.

    • The student's advisor must provide a letter documenting that the student submission has been approved and supervised.

    • The winner(s) of the Competition must be available to attend the annual conference of the Society and present the paper.

    • The winner(s) will also be required to volunteer for a minimum of 4 hours at the annual conference at the time and discretion of the volunteer coordinator.

    • Submission:The abstract should be submitted online using the "Online Abstract Submission System" when the open call for papers is announced. The abstract should follow all other guidelines for submission posted in the call for papers.


  • The ISNR Student Paper Award (up to 2 awardees per year)
    • Awards of $350, reimbursement of two nights stay at the annual conference hotel (basic single occupancy room, not to exceed $150 per night), general conference registration, 1 year membership and access to the ISNR journal, NeuroRegulation, ISNR newsletter, NeuroConnections and credit towards attending 6 hours of 2015 ISNRU annual conference workshops and or ISNRU webinars are available to 2 students who meet the eligibility qualifications.

      • These awards will be given to the accepted paper(s) that are deemed superior to typical student research efforts. The student must be the primary author and there should be no more than 2 authors (assuming the student's advisor is second author).

      • The paper should report on application outcome data, the time-series evaluation of the impact of introducing a new application to a practice, innovative methodology or any other data, which may be relevant to neurofeedback practice and research.

      • All 30 or 60 minute oral paper presenters must complete all information as outlined in the online submission process.

      • ISNR will not accept proposals for student presentations that have been presented in the previous year during the conference.

      • All submissions will be peer-reviewed blindly by the Conference Committee for scientific integrity, originality, importance, and usefulness for conference attendees. Some presentation submissions may be judged to be more appropriate as posters.

      • Who is eligible?

        • Individuals who are currently enrolled as full time students (as defined by the ISNR student policies)—both graduate and undergraduate, international and domestic—may apply

        • Maintaining a current ISNR student affiliate membership is not required to submit a paper or poster or to attend the annual conference at the student registration rate.

      • The manuscript should report on research that in large measure has not been previously published. The student's advisor must provide a letter documented that the advisor has approved the student submission. For this award the entire paper must be submitted for review. Additionally the paper must be submitted to the ISNR journal, NeuroRegulation, for publication following the conference.

    • The winner(s) of the Competition must be available to attend the annual conference of the Society and present the paper.

    • The winner will also be required to volunteer for a minimum of 4 hours at the annual conference at the time and discretion of the volunteer coordinator.

    • Submission: The paper should be submitted online using the "Online Abstract Submission System" when the open call for papers is announced. The paper should follow all other guidelines for submissions to the ISNR Journal, NeuroRegulation. Instructions for submission can be found online. It is recommended that you create and save your abstract submission in a word document and simply copy and paste the information into the online submission form.

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